Friday 25 January 2008


On page 43, under the section 'Media Stuidies'
Is it trying to put across the idea that it depends on the ways an audience decode a certain media? Im really confused, I think this is what he is trying to say, but in a very academic way (that's probably why i dont understand it!) It says we can share a common 'text', so does that mean we all have similar ideas about certain medias, but within those ideas, we have varied beliefs when it comes to looking at it in real depth. I guess its like saying, you have identified that what someone like Frank Gallager is doing in shameless is wrong. However, those from a lower social class will find it humerous as maybe they have been bought up to see this as normal. However, someone of a higher class, will identify that he is doing something wrong. And also, have the knowledge that it is serious and not something of a humerous nature. Am i reading into this too much? All im trying to say, is that people like Morley believe that it depends on the individual and the way you are bought up.


Melz88 said...

Hey Ellie , i actually think that you are right on that front, my book came in the post this morning at last wuhp!

its saying that active audiences can make mulitple and varied interpretations on anything i'd say in response to any media text. It has to be set in a certain discourse that we all know however in like a certain case or circumstance like shameless in your case thats what i got from Morley on p43 anyway.

As it is said that the audience is interactive do you think this is due to interacting in social development then? It discuss' about using the materials like cutting and pasting images and using video recorder etc so is it a textualy reading what they are talking about im not sure? Because we interact with one another it has expanded from that maybe?

So we could say both u and i have read the text but are ge3tting different ideas from it which could explain what we are discussing yes lol?

jaydann said...