Monday 14 April 2008

Semantic web

This stands for the meaning of something. It describes something that makes a computer understand certain things. It has been argued that how can a computer understand things as well as humans? A computer has the task of finding things out for people and a semantic web allows it to do just that.

It is from W3C director Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the web.

Is this a good thing in society? How will we benefit?

web 3.0

A term that contrasts to the semantic web. Both ways that will evolve over the next few years. It is a path that will dramatise in the next years, it will transform the web into the database. Making web use quicker and easier.

This will lead to possibities in artificial intelligence. Half of me thinks that as a society, we are becoming obsessed with technology and its enhancements. The other half thinks that we need to adapt to the changes and there is nothing wrong with us becoming better off through technology. I do however, think its a little sad how much we rely on it!

What do others think?

Sunday 13 April 2008

Frustrations of a fictional neo-luddite

Tom wakes up to the intense shaking of his mother. Not the typical alarm clock awakening most of us are used to! Tom's mother screams at him in her strong french accent down the corridor.....'Tommy sis time to get up! Vid vid!' After a groan Tom climbs out of bed to a quiet house. His mother is standing over the stove mixing up his daily bowlful of porridge.

He looks at the only clock in the house and makes his way to school after his usual routine of getting dressed and washed in dead silence. He can hear the television of next door and can sometimes make out the words if he's lucky.

After a 20 minute walk he arrives at the University. Passing students in their own little world, with their ear pieces and on their mobile phones, he makes his way to his lecture room.

His english is still not as good as it should be and it takes a while for him to realise that the lecturer is asking him to sit down and sign into a computer. After trying a few times, he raises his hand and asks for 'elp!' 10 minutes later after pressing about 20 different buttons, he was finally logged onto a computer. Everyone around him was typing away as if they were playing a piano! He was well and truely lost and giving up was in the near distance. After staring at the screen the lecturer waved his students out of the room. Finished already? If every lecture was like this, he would most certainly fail.

At lunch, he fiddled in his pocket until he found a £1 coin, he walked to the nearest phone box (30 minute walk) and dialled the number for his mum. 'Bonjour!' she cried. She obviously hadn't grasped the idea that it was 'hello' in this country! After a quick hello, Tom couldnt help but feel upset at the sound of his mums voice. For a moment, he longed to be back in France, where talking was normal and not being unsociable with ipods!

Tom returned home that night with square eyes and a headache from so many computers. He was nervous at the thought of asking his mother for a lap-top.....he wondered if hand written essays were acceptable in this country?? Dreaming of France, he fell asleep.

The youngest digital Immigrant I know

My mum is 42 and has no clue about technology at all!

Heres an example of how bad she is.....She lost her phone last week and went into the Orange shop for a new one. After being bombarded by the people that work there to buy the newest swakiest phone there, she chose a phone that would cost her £49.99. This is because she has no idea how to use a phone and cannot be bothered to learn! She would rather sacrifice getting a brand new phone and look up-to-date and 'cool!' and get the cheapest and easiest phone because she says she 'has no time to learn'. This proves what Prensky says, that all people over 25 are digital immigrants. Even though not all people are living up to this, my mother (bless her!) is what Prensky calls a digital Immigrant! (and an embarracment!)

The oldest digital native I know

My grandparents are so madly up to date when it comes to technology. It actually puts me to shame!!

They know so so much about technology and how it changes so rapidly. I can go round there and ask them anything about computers and my nan says, 'shouldnt you be the one teaching me?' They are right! However, whose to say thats how it should be? I always learn so much from my grandparents and them teaching me about things 'i should know' shouldn't stop them! They are always keeping up to date with technology and my Grandad has a cupboard full of gadgets and other silly little technological thingies!! They could actually open up a technology shop! They would earn loads! Maybe it's because they dont want to be behind the times and seen as old...or maybe its because they have nothing better to do! Either way....I think its great!

Week 9- education being tailored to fit into their preferences

If teachers were there to fit their teaching methods to students preferences there would be problems in the long run.

The question is where do you draw the line?? If a child with cultural preferences wishes to make a change in the way a teacher is teaching, whose to say then that another child may have a problem with that?

This is a similar argument to when rules and regualtions are made and are changed because of peoples culture. At my secondary school, we were not allowed to wear jewlery, however, those religious people were able to wear a tiny cross. I agree, that there should be respect for others cultures and religion. But also, people should respect rules and reguations of a school. They are there for a reason. Its all about adapting to other cultures too.

I think that when it comes to teaching, students need to respect the authority of an educator and accept their teaching methods. What do others think?

Week 9- Should education stretch a person?

This is a difficult question to answer? What do we mean by 'stretching' a person?

There are many factors which are needed to take into consideration here. Age, sex, capability, background.

A younger person is there to learn how to learn. If a teacher is pushing a student from a young age, it will make the resent education and work in the long run. I think if you see potential in a child from a young age, encouragement is the way to deal with him/her.

Girls and boys both learn and grow up differently. Different teaching methods are used to each individual child to suit them. For example it is known that girls prefer to do essays and present their work sufficently. Whereas boys, would rather get it out the way with less hassle. This is why girls outperform boys when it comes to coursework, however, boys seem to do better in exams (national statistics online).

As a child gets older, it is important to stretch them a little further, simply because you do not want them to get into the idea that they are better than anyone else. I went to school with a girl who was always praised from a young age. By the time she was doing her GCSE's, she thought she was better than everyone, so didnt do any revision. Because of this she failed her exams. The teachers were focussing all their attention on rewarding her, they forgot to stretch her mind more. It is important to praise students, but too much of this could lead on to other negative outcomes.

What do others think? Do all the factors ive stated affect if a child should be stretched? Or can you think of more?

week 9- digital differences and its effects

With people all having differenct understanding and knowledge when it comes to digital issues such as computers, the internet, mobile phones and other aspects of the digital world, it is inevitable that certain negative effects will take place.

Talking from a social-economical point of view, it is inevitable that when it comes to the economic world, those without the knowledge and skill of digital native will struggle. If you were to put two people from different ages in for a job interview. The one with the most knowledge and understanding of the digital world would be the one more likely to get an offer. What Prensky believes is that one, would be the person under the age of 25 with the skills of the newer technologies out there.

I would have to agrue this point, as firstly, who is to say that the job specifically needs anyone who knows how to use the new enhanced computer program? Also, there are things in life called life chances. You are able to learn and pick up things quickly and with a little help, that person over 25, could be a lot better than the digital native. In life you need to give people chances and its discriminating to believe that all people over the age of 25 are not willing or able to learn these new skills.


When discussing this topic in realtion to global issues, it is inevitable that this may cause problems. When discussing issues such as the war and things where all countries get involved. If one or a few countries are a little behind when it comes to communicating with certain advanced technologies, it could cause fatal problems when it comes to communication. Therefore, affecting problems in the long run. If every country and region were to stick to the same technoogies, there would be no problems. Obviously this would not happen in an ideal world, but it would be nice!
Another factor, is that some countries cannot afford to keep up with the technological changes. Third world countries are not going to be educated in the land of technology, whereas compared to countries such as Japan and England, we are in a whole different league.

What do others think? Would the world benefit from having everyone at the same level of understanding in relation to technology? Or would that cause more problems than we think?

Week 9- Wenger and Prensky

Wenger is basically saying that within a practice community, there is inevitably going to be people who are better than you in certain skills. However, what is also pointed out is that that doesn't necessarily mean that people hold a particular authority or power over you. You simply are all learning or have skills at different levels. this happens throughout life and particularly in education.

In relation to education and Prensky's idea of Digital immigrants and native immigrants. It is clear to see how they are putting across the same ideas. Prensky believes that these two different types of people (digital immigrants, digital natives) are contrating in todays society. One holds more power over the other when it comes to discussing the 'digital world'. Becvause of the changes withion technology, it is difficult for some to simply keep up with others. This again, does not underline that some hold a greater power or dominance, they are simply ast different levels of understanding.

Both ideas relate to each other simply because throughtout life you will always come across people who are better or worse than you at certain things. This doesnt mean however, that they are better at everything and both Prensky and Wenger believe that you can learn from each other.

Thursday 3 April 2008

My disagreements with the articles

The only thing I disagree with is the idea that just because someone is older doesnt necessarily mean that they are unlikely to not only be able to learn new skills. but want to.

I think generalisations are being made whereby the idea that age is a major factor of whether or not you are able to accept that technology is changing. Ive been lucky enough to grow up in the world where 'technology is right at our fingerstips' (Prensky). However, how do we know if that is a good thing? Are we becoming lazy as a society?? Are teachers teaching in a way where we have no choice but to use a computer to type and not a pen and paper?? All of these statements are questionable.

I would just like to point out that I think the statement that suggests that anyone over the age of 30 is incompetent/behind with the times of technology. Who decided that cut off point?
Also, I have parents who both work in occupations where technology is something they rely on to a great extent. They are not incapable of picking up new technological enhancements, nor are they thinking they are too old to.

I have a nan in her 70's who writes out a text message quicker than I do, surely that proves my point? My grandad has more technological D.I.Y toys in his garage than B&Q!! In fact my grandparents are more likely to want to learn about new technolgies than I am!

What does everyone else think? Is this idea of segregating people into digital immigrants and digital natives all a bit silly? I think its simply stereotyping people into age groups, when really- there is no need to make such generalisiations!!

Webiste names for digital immigration and native

Fryer. W (2006) 'Beyond the digital native/ Immigrant dichotomy' [12.02.08]

Mazar, R (2006) 'Digital Natives vs. Digital immigrants', [12.03.08]

Prensky, M (2001) 'Digital natives, Digital immigrants, Part 2: Do they really think differently?' [12.03.08]

Prensky, M (2001) 'Digital native, Digital immigrants' [12.03.08]

Vanslyke. T (2003) 'Digital Natives, Digital immigrants: Some thoughts from the generation gap' [12.03.08]

website 5- week 8

This was the site I found most interesting- simply because it was the counterargument of the others. This author argued that just because people who are over 30 are born into a different generation doesnt specifically mean that you are unable to learn and adapt to certain technological changes.

He argues that just because you stop learning at the age of 20, doesnt mean that you are unable to learn new things. The article argues that it is similar to telling people to stop reading after the age of 20.

After reading this article I began to believe that just because people are getting older- doesnt mean that they are incapable of learning and adapting to the changes of society. If you think about it, after the cavemen, society changed and has been ever since. If people did not learn to adapt- there would be a struggle with everything such as the economic world.

website 4- week 8

This site is one that faces us with a different angle of the arguement. The creator of this article is one of a digital immigrant. He believes that although the world is full of digital immigrants and natives, it doesnt necessarily mean that this is a bad thing- being a digital immigrant just means that you have your foot in the past and there is nothing wrong with that.

I like this arguement- there is a lot of people who will think negativly about being a digital immigrant- however, I do not think this would be a negative aspect. Just because times are changing doesnt mean that as someone from an older generation shouldnt be able to learn and catch up with technology.

This site is again reletively recent- however, not as much as the other sites. This has an effect on how people read the article. With it being older, means that people are more likely to question its validity. This then effects how people decode the article.

Website 3- week 8

Webiste 3

This website was short and so wont need too much of an analysis.
The site is again one of a recent date and it focusses on diagrams as a way of describing and explaining certain aspects of 'our digital landscape'. I think this is a good way to show exactly what is going on- it breaks up the chunks of writing and allows us as a reader to see what he is trying to put across to us.

There are also comments at the bottom the site from other people- this allows varied arguements and opinions that other have.

I think this is a good thing- as it makes the article valid. Having a counterargument means that it is unbiased and allows you as a reader to make up your own mind on the subject.

Website 2- week 8

This webiste is similar to the previous and discusses the main differences between digital native and digital immigrants. It is again fairly up to date. The way is it set out differs from that of the previous. It focusses on Prensky's main arguement and argues against it saying that as a 30 year old man- he fnds adapting the the changes in technology simple and argues that just because he is older, doesnt mean he cannot understand how to use certain technology mediums.
However, he does later agree that when he got a new job in the US he saw first hand that the gap of which Prensky discusses was apparent.

I think that unless you can see it forst hand- you will believe that there is no gap. People of an older generation are often in denial about how much they know about technology. What does everyone else think?

Webistes dealing with Digital Immigration-week 8

Webiste One

The first website underlines the rapid changes in the way in which our children are being bought up. It argues that in the day of our parents, we are being taught various dofferent aspects of technology. The article is fairly up to date- and so gives us as an audience the reassurance that what is being said is valid today. This then makes it more believeable and is more persuasive.
Statistics are given which again makes what is being said more valid as it backs up comments with statistics.

The webiste is easy to ready and its useability is simple, the font used is clear which makes the article easy to read. Bullet points are used to break up certain parts of the article- this is a good aspect to obtain- simply because the article becomes easily digestible.

Digital Immigration

Digital Immigration is a term that was founded by Marc Prensky. He believed that there are two contrasting views- he believes that people are either digital immigrants or digitally native. These are both different and he believes that they describe 2 varied types of people.

Digital Immigrants are people who are not used to having technology at their fingertips and are content with using older methods of teaching and other aspects of life. For example, they are not used to using the internet and technologies such as iPods and Iphones.

The contrasting group- Digital Natives are people who are fully aware in the rapid changes of technology and who have been bought up understanding how to use these technologies. These people are generally students who are expected to know how to use technologies such as the internet.,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf