Sunday 13 April 2008

The oldest digital native I know

My grandparents are so madly up to date when it comes to technology. It actually puts me to shame!!

They know so so much about technology and how it changes so rapidly. I can go round there and ask them anything about computers and my nan says, 'shouldnt you be the one teaching me?' They are right! However, whose to say thats how it should be? I always learn so much from my grandparents and them teaching me about things 'i should know' shouldn't stop them! They are always keeping up to date with technology and my Grandad has a cupboard full of gadgets and other silly little technological thingies!! They could actually open up a technology shop! They would earn loads! Maybe it's because they dont want to be behind the times and seen as old...or maybe its because they have nothing better to do! Either way....I think its great!

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