Friday 25 January 2008

first reading!!!

Ok, so after reading Lister-et-al, i have decided that we are so idle!
As a country, we are instantly gratified-always wanting more and more and I think we rely way too much on technology. I think we use the internet as a way of communicating too much. Whatever happened to the days where we hand wrote letters to everyone. i know that i dont ever hand write things anymore. The interenet is an excuse for us to be bone idle and its ridiculas. I agree with the reading in that using digital media, allows us to experiment with new technologies and as a society the technologicalk enhancements mean that we are able to achieve things, that we would never be able to do in past centuries. I found it interesting that it has only been the last few centuries that digital media has taken forms in the entertainment media, such as cinema and of course not forgetting the mobile phone phenomenon! I didnt realise that it was used in the military units before it reached other types of mediums.
I also found it interesting that it was from the 196's onwards, where there was a rapid change in media. Is it me, or does that seem really early?? I guess that's just because we have been bought up in a world of technology, so we are just used to it!!


Melz88 said...

yea i totally agree with you on that ellie, i thought about that as well on my blog, what has happened to old fashioned pen and paper it was brilliant! I remember writing to pen pals when i was younger and i loved it however i did write really nicely then to and liked writing lol!

Technology is in our lives for everything we do we get up to the radio, turn the tv on look on facebook check your mobile the list is endless it is so true that we are dependant for it like a drug!

Yeah i do agree with the book to about the digital media, its more of an advancement as well as a benefit for as you put it the bone idle! I didnt realise until i read that it was used int he military first.

You dont really expect technology to be around, what is it 40 years ago near enough. Could this show how much we take it for granted and dont really care its just one of those things that are there but we would all be lost without it we really wouldnt have much to do and our lives could pretty much be boring as anything!

Sue Frith Grau said...

I certainly like this idea that immediacy is problematic. Technology was destined to make things easier for us - I remember the times when Leisure was promoted as something we would all have more of. But that didn't materialise at all, despensed at the mercy of the immediate needs of techonolgy. Unwritten in the discourse is that slower methods are in some way lesser methods, but think about how much more thought used to go into letter writing than goes into texting now!

Elz said...


i like the idea of promition of leisure activities. I don't think ive actually seen that in my childhood! How sad! just reflects the society we live in!