Monday 18 February 2008

week 4- task one

User generated content means the expansion of social networking sites and its technological enhancements.
In my opinion, facebook is the only way that people are able to communicate free of charge, with people they do not see everyday. I know that since ive left school, i have only stayed in contact with my friends because of facebook. Without social networking sites, i think it would be very difficult for me to stay in contact with friends and i would get in trouble for that!!

Its also a good way to look at other peoples pictures etc. Its a routine now too, i look at my facebook a lot! and without it, i would be a little lost if im honest.
What does everyone else think? Is anyone else obsessed? Do you think that as a society, we are all obsessed with new media technologies. There are always new additions online now, especially on facebook. I always get requests to upload the newest file to add to my profile!! its really annoying actually!!


Megan-Kate Nisbet said...

Communicate free of charge? You have to pay for internet access wherever you go - unless your in the Library mind, but then perhaps your tutition costs cover the cost of possible use of library resources?

I agree that I check facebook a lot, but I dont think I'd be that bothered if it was to go? Aslong as everyones did, I wouldnt like not having it when everyone else did - doesnt this say something though? How perhaps everyone just has it too fit in with everyone else? Although I think its more to do with not missing out on anything for me! - Which I suppose is the same thing!

The new addittions are VERY annoying!!!

Em said...

I agree that I check facebook a lot. Most of the time it is the first thing I do when I turn o my comp. So yes..u could say Im obsessed lol. I think its a really good way of keeping in touch with people because I pay £5 a month for internet n if I didn't use facebook I'd b spending way more money than that on credit for my fone.
I think that as a society we maybe are becoming obsessed with new media technologies. We certainly rely on them a lot when you actually think about how often we use things such as facebook.

Erica Hazel said...

I agree with Megan, if no one else had facebook i wouldn’t be bothered if it disappeared either. I’m defiantly addicted, along with everyone else i know but its so annoying!! because i feel i have to check it every time i’am at the computer, the requests are annoying ignoring about 50 applications, especially when your internet connection is the worst in the world isn’t fun. I do however think that facebook might be just another fad like myspace was and maybe in a year we might be addicted to yet another new media invention.